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Did you know that we can assist with all of your Trip arrangements?

Lost on Lāna‘i in concert with its sister travel agency Two Boldly Go Travel can assist clients with their travel plans, tour/activities and arrangements, including helping them find frequent flyer mileage & upgrade availability. Our particular areas of specialization are Hawaii, Cruises and World Travel.  We write about some of our travels on our blog site Two Boldly Go .

For our independent clients we highlight special promotions and links to travel search engines to help them arrange their own itineraries and reservations.

Search Here for Hotels.com Best Hotel Deals!

What happens when I submit an inquiry?

We evaluate all inquiries individually to determine if we can be of assistance.  We try to respond within 24-48 business hours with either a Trip Planning Proposal or additional resource suggestions to help you with your trip.

A $250 travel consulting fee will be charged to the client upon acceptance of a Trip Planning Proposal, which is refundable if the client utilizes our services to reserve and book their itineraries.

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Travel Planning Questions

Travel Planning Question form to initiate travel planning inquiry

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