About Lāna‘i Jeep Rental Resources
Updated 1/1/25

Reserve Your Independent Jeep Rental Then Purchase Ferry Tickets
Read Pinned Post - Tips for Renting a Jeep on Lāna‘i
Question: How do I rent a Jeep on Lāna‘i?
I want to rent a Jeep.
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Updated 10/24/23
Our Jeep Provider is still not renting to day visitors/non-hotel guests, however, we can recommend a few independent Lāna’i rental companies that may have availability:
Bart Baldwin – ABB Rental – (808) 649-0644 – [email protected] – http://www.abbautorental.com
Lāna‘i Cheap Jeeps – http://lanaicheapjeeps.com
Lanai Car Rental – lanaicarrental.com
Paved Roads Only – 808 Day Trip/Judi Riley – Call/text (808) 649-0664, email [email protected]–http://808daytrip.com/Rental_Cars.html
We can assist with your arranging your ferry tickets:
What are the drive times and routes to some of Lāna‘i's storied places?
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Where do I pick up the Jeep ?
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FB Review January 5, 2017
A while in advance I organised a trip from Oahu to Lanai with Lost on Lanai, who guided me with itinerary suggestions, helpful hints and a finalised schedule that meant we had enough time to do what we wanted to the most, visit the Lanai Cat Sanctuary (like so many before us) and plenty of time to drive around the island to check out some of the beautiful places Lanai has to offer. Ours was a half day tour, which started with a pick up at the airport, a drive to Lanai City and a tour around, a trip to the Garden of the Gods and Shipwreck Beach, then lunch in Lanai City followed by the most fantastic visit to the kitties. Our driver was a fountain of knowledge about the past and present of the island and we were made very comfortable throughout our stay.
If you fancy a visit, do it with Lost on Lanai, you can’t go wrong.
Question: How do I get my Ferry Tickets?
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Answer & More Info
Picking up you tickets from the Expeditions Maalaea Ticket Booth is done like “will call”. Note: Your receipt will include an info & directions message or you will receive a second email from us with your confirmations.
EXPEDITIONS CHECK IN – Expeditions departs promptly at 6:30am and asks guests to check in at their Maalaea Harbor Ticket Booth at least 30 min prior to departure. Give the attendant your name and show them your ID and they will give you your roundtrip tickets. If they ask for a paper voucher let them know that Brad with Lost on Lāna‘i has already e-mailed the office a copy. If you have any questions when you check in please call me on the cell number included with your confirmation email.
Updated 10/16/23
Question: What about checking in for Expeditions and directions to Maalaea Harbor?
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Expeditions Ferry Information Updated 10/16/23
Reservations: All passengers first and last names required, no initials please, including children and non-paying infants.
Check-in Time: Passengers must check in 30 minutes prior to departure time. Please print and bring the receipt and voucher you receive from Lost on Lāna‘i or be able to show it electronically via smart phone, tablet, etc. and present I.D. in exchange for tickets. Ferry departs on schedule and does not wait for late passengers. Boarding closes 10 min prior to departure.
Luggage/Bags: You are allowed two (2) bags and one (1) carry on, no charge. Excess bags, bicycles, dogs, surfboards over 7 feet long, sailboards (with bag and mast) and kayaks will be charged a fee and must be confirmed in advance. Questions excess baggage? Call Expeditions at 808-661-3756.
Maui Pier Location: Depart from the main loading pier at located at 101 Maalaea Boat Harbor Rd. Ticket Booth located across the Harbor in the Harbor/DLNR Building.
Lāna‘i Pier Location: Main loading pier Manele Harbor. Check in is at the Expeditions podium.
Question: What about Lāna‘i City?
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Here are a few quick tips & info resources to help plan your visit to Lāna‘i City.
Lāna‘i City is very compact and walkable. Some people have “seen it all” in an hour while others can “spend the day” ….. depends on each individuals’ taste & preferences.
Time spent on Lunch usually averages 30-45 minutes.
Pele’s is closed for lunch Sat & Sun and Cafe 565 is closed on Sunday. Blue Ginger only accepts cash – no cc. Canoes is closed. No Ka Oi is off of the square at Houston & 9yth and is open for lunch most weekdays as is the Poke shop (which sells out early – located on Gay Street) Coffee Works is located at Ilima & 6th and is open 7am-4pm.
Mike Carroll Gallery (A must for the chance to meet Kathy Carroll founder of the Cat Sanctuary.)
The Local Gentry – Great selection “local” clothing, etc.
Hula Hut – Souvenirs and gifts.
Lana‘i Art Center – Community run Art Center.
https://www.lanaichc.org/ is another, imo, must see.
Great APP & Guide – Info on Lāna‘i:
Weather can be “variable”. It also can be cooler upcountry on Lāna‘i than expected so everything from sunscreen to layers, an umbrella or light weight jacket are always a good idea.
Question: Can you tell me more about the ferry and transfers on island?
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A: The ferry ride between Maalaea and Lāna‘i typically lasts between 1hr 15-20 minutes.
Q: How are transfers to the Cat Sanctuary done? Car or Van?
A: Transfers for the cat Sanctuary are done via a Shuttle Van.
Q: How long is the ride between the Harbor and the Cat Sanctuary?
A: About 20 minutes. 30-40 minutes if the shuttle first has to make a stop in town.
Q: What time are typical pickups from the Cat Sanctuary?
A: 1:00 pm for the for transfer toTown or the Beach. Last pick up is at 3:00pm when the Cat Sanctuary closes and for the 5:30pm ferry.
Q: What do I do when I get off of the ferry on Lāna‘i?
A: When you disembark on Lāna‘i please head up the gangway. Your transfer driver will be waiting for you with a sign that has “Lanai City Shuttle Service” on it. Just let them know that you are Lost on Lāna’i Voucher Guests Booking #### going to the Cat Sanctuary and they will direct you to the correct shuttle van.
Question: What is the Ferry Schedule between Maui and Lāna‘i?
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Maalaea Departures:
(Located at 101 Maalaea Boat Harbor Rd)
Departs from Maui to Lanai at:
6:30AM, 11:00AM & 3:30PM Daily – Note: Boarding Closes 5 min Prior to Departure Time
Lāna‘i Departures:
(public loading dock at Manele Harbor)
Departs from Lanai to Maui at:
8:30AM, 1:00PM & 5:30PM Daily
Updated 01/01/25