Jan 8, 2025 | Destination, Experience, Hawaiian Islands, Lanai, Land, Maui, Ocean
When Should You Visit Maui? Maui’s perfect for beaches, hiking, and soaking up Hawaiian culture. When you go can make a big difference in your trip – here’s a quick list of what you need to know. Time of Year: Winter (December to February) This is...
Jan 2, 2022 | Activities, Birding or Wildlife, Destination, Experience, Hawaiian Islands, Lanai, Lanai Activities, Lanai Cat Sanctuary, Land
Lanai Cat Sanctuary: A Haven for Cats and Visitors “We’ve all taken a cat nap, but how about a nap among more than 650 cats?” is a question posed by Michelle Regan in her December 27,2021 article entitled “Lanai’s Feline Paradise.” The article, as summarized below,...
Sep 26, 2018 | Destination
The Posts …. Quick Orientation … Where is everything located? Transportation … How do I get there and get around? What is at the Manele Small Boat harbor? What about Hulopo‘e Beach? Where is Lāna‘i City and what is there to do? What about the Lāna‘i Cat...
Sep 26, 2018 | Destination, Transportation
The Post Sections ….. Answers, Info and Resources Quick Orientation … Where is everything located? Transportation … How do I get there and get around? What is at the Manele Small Boat harbor? What about Hulopo‘e Beach? Where is Lāna‘i City and what...
Sep 26, 2018 | Destination, Lanai Cat Sanctuary
The Posts … Quick Orientation … Where is everything located? Transportation … How do I get there and get around? What is at the Manele Small Boat harbor? What about Hulopo‘e Beach? Where is Lāna‘i City and what is there to do? What about the Lāna‘i Cat...
Apr 14, 2017 | Destination
Here are a few quick tips & info resources to help plan your visit to Lāna‘i City. Lāna‘i City is very compact and walkable. Some people have “seen it all” in an hour while others can “spend the day” ….. depends on each...