Jan 2, 2022 | Activities, Birding or Wildlife, Destination, Experience, Hawaiian Islands, Lanai, Lanai Activities, Lanai Cat Sanctuary, Land
Lanai Cat Sanctuary: A Haven for Cats and Visitors “We’ve all taken a cat nap, but how about a nap among more than 650 cats?” is a question posed by Michelle Regan in her December 27,2021 article entitled “Lanai’s Feline Paradise.” The article, as summarized below,...
Sep 26, 2018 | Activities, Lanai
A few Tips for Day Tripping to Lāna‘i We just received the following series of great questions about Day Tripping to Lāna‘i so we thought we would put together this multi part Post with tips and resources for the day tripper. Questions: What can a day tripper expect...
Sep 26, 2018 | Lanai, Transportation
The Posts ……. Quick Orientation … Where is everything located? Transportation … How do I get there and get around? What is at the Manele Small Boat harbor? What about Hulopo‘e Beach? Where is Lāna‘i City and what is there to do? What about the Lāna‘i Cat...
Sep 26, 2018 | Lanai, Transportation
The Posts …. Quick Orientation … Where is everything located? Transportation … How do I get there and get around? What is at the Manele Small Boat harbor? What about Hulopo‘e Beach? Where is Lāna‘i City and what is there to do? What about the Lāna‘i Cat...
Jun 7, 2015 | Lanai, News, Photo & Video
Photo Blog of the Action at Hulopoe Beach – June 1, 2015.